Monday, August 17, 2009

A Spoon Full of Sugar

Mandated by Mary Poppins and whatever out of sorts methods the writers of that era were experimenting with, I keep thinking about how that crazy umbrella obsessed woman was on to something. Indeed, a spoon full of sugar does help the medicine go down, and no I am not searching for some clever quip upon which to make a political satire on health care...that's too easy. So brushing "socialist" parodies aside (those people are ridiculous), it seems that delusion has been the key to survival for our last month here in Korea.

Sally summarized that coping with Korea in general is like dealing with the "irrational guy" in an argument. We all know this type of guy. The guy that is fun to drink with once in a while, but the minute you get going about politics, religion, or any topic pertaining to substance, suddenly everything goes to hell, and all your efforts of attempting to instill reason and rationality are wasted on someone you didn't want to admit to yourself was that much of an idiot. When a counterargument carries the very contradiction that stumps itself, then really there is no reason to argue in the first place. Just watch Sarah Palin try and defend anything she says and you'll get the gist of what I'm saying. So in keeping with proper dinner conversation, we have managed to somehow survive the parade of maladies endured since our trip to Thailand. We tell ourselves the mountains are bigger, the air more splendid, and the people more open. We tell ourselves, at the very least, how lucky we were to have good co-workers and compassionate bosses, despite never being paid on time..ever.

Little by little, the medicine is going down, but I'm pretty sure that we're overdosing on the sugar. I wonder what Mary Poppins would say to do now?

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