Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Watching the world

Some fanatics idle their time away watching birds. Others, slightly more bored or in peril over having nothing better to do, watch golf. I have made a habit of watching currency.

Its no mystery now that the economy is in peril the world over. Headlines are depressing as ever, there's always a new war starting somewhere, and here in the South we are repeatedly accustomed to shouldering empty threats from our perturbed, complex ridden Northern neighbors. So why the hell am I simply watching the currency more so than bomb threats made by North Korea, or Obama's now failing popularity? The answers are simple.

Obama's mysticism and captivation was a facade. Undoubtedly the man is brilliant, charming, even handsome, but he is also the president, and the "cool" factor of having a young, black, charismatic man in office has petered down to the public back home and round the world at large finally realizing that he is just a politician, even if a good one, which I believe he is. However, it was inevitable that without immediate results, his popularity would soon decline. With an inpatient public starved for immediate "change" rather than adhering to a platform of rational approaches, which take time, it is no shock to me that headlines have scooted Michael Jackson's death to the side, and are now focusing on another kind of figurative death. I haven't been able to see Fox news so I am ignorant of the extremist view on the subject.

Analyst's have intellectually and rather intelligibly theorized why North Korea will never attack South Korea with really the perfect answer: Kim-Jung-Il would never sacrifice his way of life to risk fighting a losing war. The man is reputed to import the fifth largest amount of fine cognacs, french wines, and gourmet brew in the world, and also has at his disposal an entire repertoire of western movies, classic literature, and what have you that any totalitarian (expletive) would collect while starving and brainwashing his own people.

So with all this already foreseen and re-hashed again and again, the only thing that really keeps changing, even if minimally, has been the currency rate. And trust me, with even a 10 dollar dip or spike in the amount, the headlines follow suit...so really all there is to news is numbers; the candor of the world falls and rises with them.

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