Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Rumbles in the Deceased Jungle and How to Keep a Safe Playground

Far from us to bring up any issue pertaining to the idea of truth, there is one thing we have learned children are capable of: making truth unbearable. While as adults we have a tendency (undoubtedly attained by our need to survive in reality) of perverting the truth, children necessitate the urge to state it as innocently as they do willingly. Everything is an absolute for them until they are caught in the processes of learning right from wrong, and thus their lesson begins.

At such an age as they are now however, it is better and much more entertaining to stretch their imaginations. After completing an awesome unit on dinosaurs, we have made a contest of seeing who can come up with the best hypothetical face offs. Here is a list of recent all can be the judge of who would win:

1. 20 Velociraptors vs. 1 Tyrannosaurus rex
2. 10 Brachiosaurreses vs. 100 angry Jimmy Teachers
3. 50 ninjas vs. 20 velociraptors
4. 5 pterodactyls with laser beams on their heads vs. 10 Tyrannosaurus Rexes

The list goes on. But speaking of lists, here is a side assignment that is worthy enough to make it on the blog. The contributors are nonetheless a group of first class girls in our afternoon classes, who made a list of rules a safe playground should have. Enjoy:

1. No bullying
2. No cutting anyone with knives
3. No hitting puppies
4. No running around on fire
5. No littering
6. No stealing Kittens


Mom said...

very funny, especially 100 Jimmy teachers!

Unknown said...

HAHAhahAhha I love the rules that the first grade girls came up with... obsessed much with puppies and kittens?? Haha